Welcome to where you can find helpful hints concerning what else, but SHEARS!!!
*content expressed here is solely that of islandstylist808
Are you considering the purchase of new shears? Here are a few guidelines selecting that "perfect pair". >>>under construction
Note that when oiling your shears that you use only an oil formulated especially for shears NOT clippers. WHY? Clipper oil is just too darn heavy to use on shears. The heavier formulation allows it to stick to clipper blades and not fly off when turned on. When you use this heavier oil on your shears, bits of cut hair will be drawn into the joint of the shears creating a clog. A thinner oil made for shears is your better bet because it keeps hair OUT of the joint. THERE IS NO JOY IN TRYIN' TO USE SHEARS WITH A NASTY OL' CLOG!!! **I have seen "all-in-one" type oil made for both shears and clippers
Not too tight... Not too loose.... But just right! *TENSION- Don't use shears if tension is too tight or too loose. Using shears when tension is off may lead to blade damage, premature dulling and hand fatigue. *HOW TO CHECK TENSION: Hold your shears with tips of blades pointing straightup. Remove your thumb, with free hand lift thumb-ring up and let it fall free. Blades should close half-way the length of cutting edge. If not make adjustments accordingly. *"Righty-Tighty/Lefty Loosey"
FINGER & THUMBHOLES- If you have slender fingers and experience the finger or thumbhole of your shears "swallowing" your finger or thumb, consider being custom-fitted. This involves your shears maintenance person trying different sized silicone rings on to your thumb and/or finger and by inserting them into appropriate hole- VOILA! No more jammed digits!
Never: + cut anything other than human hair with your haircutting shears + "fling n ding" - please don't fling your shears into your station drawer full of coins, clips and other items that can damage your blades.
You've dropped your shears!!! What's a Stylist to do? You may want to call:
RON WADA The Shear Doctor 702-882-3350
Professional In-Salon Shear Sharpening Sharpening Services in Las Vegas & Honolulu
Getting up close and personal with lighted magnifier before beginning on shears maintenance.
It's over...your shears have been newly sharpened and serviced. Before your shears were sharpened you were probably "attacking" the hair as you were cutting... You may have been needing to “crunch” your shears shut prior to your recent servicing because the blades were very dull and/or the tension was not set correctly… Not so anymore! Please wipe your shears down and oil them after each use and keep them cased. Be careful and enjoy the new edge on your shears!
Be careful when using newly sharpened shears!
Shear maintenance performed consistently will keep the edge on your blades razor-keen enabling you to perform your craft with greater joy and ease.
These simple steps should always be done at the end of each day. 1) Dampen a facial tissue with household alcohol and carefully wipe blades. 2) Apply a drop or 2 of oil (for shears!) to both inner blades with the shears in open position. Apply 2 or 3 drops of oil to the pivot area, opening and closing the blades at least 5 times. Wipe loose bits of hair that the oil has floated out of pivot area with tissue. Finish by wiping any excess oil off of shears. 3) Properly case your shears.
>>>If you are a busy cutter try to at least wipe blades between each haircut with a soft towel.